The type font alone says 1971. Not sure today’s young women would all take the time to knit one up. You can be sure they are all wearing bell bottom pants. Didn’t we all. Back then, I actually crocheted a black vest and matching hat. That was the end of my “make-it” experience.

Allee Willis
I knit 3 sweaters in high school. I still have them all. I found yarn stores completely thrilling and, in my usable fashion, before I even started knitting I had to collect all the needles in different sizes and colors. By the end of the 3rd sweater I realized that this was not the craft for me. Precision is not exactly my middle name.
I never was tempted to attempt or wear any of the kinds of fashions “In Shawls” but boy am I happy they made this catalog!
yeah, i’ve always wanted to be a knitter, but i’ve never ever been good at it no matter how hard i tried…the only thing i was successful at was leg warmers, which helped since back then i danced all day and night…i used to knit them on flights….how long ago was that when you could take ginormous knitting needles on an airplane!!!???
i knitted a couple of hats both of which looked like Donald’s from Fat Albert only more shapeless and they eye holes weren’t on purpose! These patterns could tempt me to try again though….or maybe i should just stick to sewing sock monkeys…
Allee Willis
hahahaha YOU ARE TOO KIND!!!!!! I miss making them!! i have so many ideas in the works and haven’t had the time…seriously, everyone here on the awmok has a preliminary sock monkey sketch/idea ;) hopefully soon i will be back in action…
Allee Willis
Me too!