I came across this beautiful facade in Falmouth, Devon on the SW coat of England. Inside were a few random shops, such a shame the whole building could not be restored.

St George’s Arcade used to be Falmouth’s first cinema which was, when it was built in 1912, one of the largest in Britain. However, the cinema was badly damaged by fire during the war.

It was difficult to get pictures as it was a very busy narrow road..

Allee Willis
How much of the building is occupied with shops now? And what kind of shops are they? Do they have anything to do with the gorgeous façade or was it just more real estate to sell?
shirlie williams
Allee when I visited there was a clothes shop and a tattooist, but with lots of empty spaces, pretty dull, which was a shame.
Wow Shirley, this place is gorgeous. Can you imagine the beauty of this place when it was in full swing?
shirlie williams
I can imagine Denny, it just stood out from everything else in the street.