I was very excited when aKitschinado Michael Eli is sent me these two face scarves that his sister-in-law Diane made for me.

It’s not usually cold enough here in LA to wear something of this nature but I’m always one for something a little different that adds style and comfort to one’s life.

When Michael received the photos I sent him of me wearing Diane’s creations, he politely explained that I was wearing the accessories wrong. How was I supposed to breath covering my nose?! I should have known this as my very lust for these mini scarves was inspired when I spent last Christmas under the spell of this particular hat:

But, truth be told, I breathe through my mouth. So that little slit seemed more than appropriate to spotlight my ever-Mac Morange lips. I often do things wrong where instinct would have kicked into other people’s heads instantaneously. Like most folks wouldn’t be 15 years into their painting career before they realized that you mix colors to get other colors. Or that you cook oatmeal rather than letting the little hard disks of oats nick your throat like blades on an ice skating rink while throat doctor after throat doctor can’t figure out what the problem is. These kind of predicaments are the kind of things that dump themselves on my doorstep daily. This has forced me to have more of a sense of humor about most things and not be embarrassed when someone tells me I am wearing something wrong and will most likely drop dead from lack of oxygen inhalation in mere minutes. But I’m happy to say that I am just as happy with my face scarf being worn properly as improperly!:

Though I’d probably feel better if I could put lipstick on my nose as I’d love a burst of contrasting color in the midst of all that yarn. But I’ll settle for my nose going nude and being able to enjoy the nippy air as God originally intended it to. Thank you again, Michael and Diane!
These are completely insane and wonderful. What terrific gifts. I wish I would have had these when I got this mega-gargantuan-super-tremendous flu.
Allee Willis
FEEl BETTER. Are you still in the throes of it?
Michael Ely
Dearest Allee. Close but no cigar! You’re still wearing the scarf in a way it wasn’t intended! Place the scarf on as you are wearing it in the last photo, then pull the small strip of yarn down over your nose (so it’s just above your top lip) and the bigger part down over your chin so that we can see your beautiful lips thru the big hole. Then it should look like you are wearing a beard! Here’s me wearing one –
I believe it’s the same with the Santa piece you are wearing (the mustache should be pulled down over your nose)! Of course, the beauty of these yarn art wonders is that I suppose you can wear them however best keeps your face warm!
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – Thank you, Allee, for giving us the AWMOK.
You have no idea how happy it makes me to come here. I used to feel alone in my love for kitsch, but now, because of you, I have friends who love the same things I do. I feel like we are all little planets revolving the sun that is Allee. In other words, you bring sunshine (and laughter) into our lives. :)
Allee Willis
Thank you, Michael, on all accounts!! I can’t believe I STILL had it wrong. It makes sense, of course, that the thin strip would serve as a mustache, but God forbid I ever figure out something that simple. Someone on Facebook also just told me I had the Santa hat wrong. I don;t have logic when it some to these types of things. But I’ve sure had fun with these face scarves!!!!
And I LOVE that you’re here at AWMOK!
Actually, I like all your fashion interpretations. But remember, stay out of banks and luxury stores.
Allee Willis
For sure!
shirlie williams
What a Fab post , made me smile , I love the fact that you were wearing it the wrong way round !!! Lovely comments Michael :)
I like the way you are wearing it, that way it’ll keep your nose warm!