Kitsch » February 2012


This Pink Flamingo Chalk is a Wall Hanging…   I don’t think it was a Carnival Chalk Prize…I always thought it was a fun k...

BOD man!

These three body sprays, made in Mexico, (screw those wimpy French colognes– if you want real “machismo,” head to Tijuana)...

Beatles Banjo

Enjoy my 1964 Beatles Banjo. Because when you think of the Fab Four, “Banjo” immediately springs to mind. Right? GroovyShelly...

Love/Hate New York

This is a small paper back book made by a cartoonist, Bernie Karlin showing the good side and bad side of New York City. For example, one s...


This sweet little Kitschy Compact has a hand painted Flamingo…the color is a clear Lipstick Red. The compact case has a tight vinyl/p...

The Mayor of Sunol

I’ve never been one for politics, but this is a candidate I can fully support. He was a great leader, who ruled with a gentle touch an...