These three body sprays, made in Mexico, (screw those wimpy French colognes– if you want real “machismo,” head to Tijuana) come in three scents: “Black,” “Really Ripped Abs,” and “Fresh Blue.” Not sure I’ve fully grasped the concept here, but I’m pretty sure using the first two scents will make “the ladies” (at least ones with purple hair and dog collars, and blondes with hoop earrings and off-the-shoulder Flashdance sweatshirts) think I’m black and have really ripped abs.

But what does Fresh Blue evoke? Hot Smurfs? The guy in Avatar? The Indigo girls?
Allee Willis
I’m giving this a Camembert because of everything that doesn’t make sense here in addition to the insane concept for this product. I seriously want to know what Black smells like. And how does a guy with the red Really Ripped Abs smell different than the guy who splashes on the blue bottle which I’m assuming is called something like merely Ripped Abs?
The graphics kill me too.
The $5 price tag is the cherry on the smelly cake.
Douglas Wood
Thanks so much for the C d’ C!
Allee Willis
Exceedingly well deserved!
I love Big Lots! Is there where you spotted this?
I love the phrase on the front of the box. “I Want your bod”….
Douglas Wood
Yes, this is from Big Lots– how did you know? I’ve actually never been inside a Big Lots myself – I won this last weekend in a Grab Bag at my Bad Movie Night Club. (There are six members including myself and my wife and we’ve been doing this since 1985.)
Allee Willis
What movie did you watch?
Big Lots is great. There’s a killer one on Vineland north of Magnolia in NoHo.
Douglas Wood
I’ll have to check it out the next time I’m in your hood.
We watched BEAST WITH A MILLION EYES which was great. Featured a young Dick Sargent (Darin #2) and believe it or not, the woman who played the iconic waitress years later in FIVE EASY PIECES– the one Jack Nicholson tells to put the chicken salad sandwich between her legs. My guess is you’ve probably seen this.
Also saw MEGA SHARK VS. GIANT OCTOPUS, a stupendously awful direct-to-video that was actually made in 2009– starring Deborah (no longer “Debbie”) Gibson and Lorenzo “what-happened-to-my-career” Lamas.
Allee Willis
I’m totally jealous!
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeO-LY sheeeeeeeee-OOOOTTT!!! Wow, I want to be in your movie club! Beast with a Million Eyes is a cinematic triumph! Now I want to see Mega Shark….wow….where’s the jealous button!?!?!? can’t see it through the haze of jealousy!
Douglas Wood
Ha ha!
Love your “Bad Movie Night Club!!!”… Great prize!!!
Mark Milligan
I want to smell them!
His neck is bigger than his waist. I actually used to have one of these….SAME graphics, different name. Not BODman…that’s a much better name. I recall it had a suggestive name, like Thrust or somesuch, but I can’t remember exactly. Maybe 5-6 years ago,
Allee Willis
Ooh, if you should stumble upon it, please post here!
Douglas Wood
By the way, I love the character that’s in your Samseptic photo. What is it? Can you submit it?