The story behind this picture…my mother arranged to have a professional photographer come to our house on evening to take some shots of me in my best dress (an itchy stretchy woolly number.) I refused , I would not have any picture taken unless I had my cat Pippy, it was blowing a gale outside,pouring with rain so my mother went hunting for the cat. Cat found , I still refused unless I could wear my nurses uniform( I was stroppy at 4yrs old ), so her eis my favourite childhood picture, a happy child with cat and Nurses uniform…I adored my cat…any cats infact and its been a lifelong passion….but I changed my mind about becoming a nurse…check out the crazy 60’s wallpaper.
Allee Willis
Stunning and classic in all ways, Nurse Shirley.
How long was Pippy with us?
shirlie williams
Pippy was with us for only 10 years, my mother always had black cats and every one was called Pippy ! When I left home I got myself a black cat called Eric, he lived to a ripe old age..
Mark Milligan
Great photo Shirley.
I beg to differ, I am going to speculate that you have in fact been a nurse, just to kitties.
Wallpaper is AWESOME. Do you remember what colors were in the pattern?
shirlie williams
I have Mark , and to other peoples..I adore cats..
The wallpaper was a blend of grey and dark green…according to my mother. It is crazy, it ripe for a revival I think !
Pretty wonderful pic. You look awfully sassy in this picture.
shirlie williams
I think Pippy looks very relaxed…I loved my Nurses outfit and my dolls fridge with the light that came on when you opened the door…
Fantastic Shirlie, so sweet, I love this!! xx