I am the proud new owner of this gorgeous painting by talented akitschionado Dennis McLain! Also very proud to be the first customer at his online shop here.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you- Ms. Ava Gardner! If she looks familiar, you have already seen her here at AWMOK!

I cleared a spot for her in my craft office and eagerly awaited her arrival. She was even more beautiful in person and I gasped with joy when I opened the box.

Isn’t she glamorous???

Thank you, Denny & keep up the good work. The world needs more happy.
Allee Willis
Boy, Denny is cleaning up here today! Make sure and see Michael Ely’s AW lightswitch cover just posted: https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/2012/01/10/allee-willis-light-switch-plate/
The portrait looks perfect at your place. Ava has lots of good friends there!
I think we need a closer look at that lamp here at AWMOK.
I think Ava looks amazing hanging near that really fab lamp. What is even more exciting is seeing all the goodies in everyone’s homes. Wow. What a compliment and it’s making my head swell just a tiny bit.
I love your nail polish.
Big akitschionado love vibes being sent your way.
Cheetah Velour
Hee hee, thanks for the compliment on the nail polish! It’s called “Warm & Fozzie”. Yeah, Muppet themed nail polish. :)
Cheetah Velour
Also, thanks to Allee for the certifikitsch!! And thanks to Denny for making people happy with your art!!