I am not a religious guy, but I love Christmas decor. This is my little pink Christmas tree. It is fashioned out of foil and stands approximately three and a half feet tall and is wired with mini pink lights. When the lights are off, the tree is a beautiful glittery salmon pink, and when the lights are on, the tree turns a bright hot pink.
All of the glass ornaments are vintage from the 1940’s and 1950’s, some made in the U.S.A., some made in Germany and some made in the Ukraine, and all are pink (ranging from pale pink to fuchsia pink) and / or silver. I have been collecting these ornaments for many years.
Here’s wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah!

Allee Willis
Beautiful beautiful beautiful! Love all the vintage ornaments. Do you keep them on the tree year-round or pull out the tree and the ornaments and do it up differently every year?
That little clock ornament in the bottom photo is killing me!
Michael Ely
I do the tree up differently each year. Actually I have two trees, also a little green tree with a cowboy theme, and I alternate it with the pink tree every other year.
Very nice collection Michael. I see at least 5 or 6 that my mama has also. When i go over for Christmas, i’ll be sure and take pics of her ornaments. I do believe there was a posting with some vintage ornaments last year. Allee, you might want to put a link to that for reference.
Michael Ely
Yes, I love vintage ornaments. Each piece has a history and tells a story. Because of their age, many of them are very fragile, so I have to be extra careful with them.
Lisa Rios
LOVE the first photo. There I see a beautiful Moroccan lamp, a menorah, many Hindu gods, perhaps some Buddhist statues as well. And of course the main attraction, the pink Xmas tree w/vintage decor. It’s all quite lovely!
Michael Ely
Thank you, Lisa, for the compliment. As mentioned, I am not a very religious person, yet I love to surround myself with religious decor from all religions and cultures. They give off an energy and a sense of well-being. Guess you would say that I’m spiritual, but not committed to any one belief.
Beautiful!!!… I really taken by all the clip-on ornaments, I think I have only seen clip-on Birds???
Ted Nimmo
Best tree ever! The ornaments are fantastic, magical, AWESOME!