Peggy “Peggy King Sings….” – original LP

Submitted by denny December 17th, 2011
Certifikitsch Winner

This looks interesting.  Apparently Peggy recorded this for her mother and it was never supposed to be released.  See the link below for more information on Peggy King.

3 Responses to “Peggy “Peggy King Sings….” – original LP”

  1. Allee Willis

    Peggy’s LP looks like it has green mold on it. Also kinda creepy that she recorded this for her mother with songs like “Lover” And “Happiness Is Just A Thing Called Joe”.

    II hope Peggy and “Joe” dry themselves off before they get into one of those beautiful cars.

  2. Michael Ely

    I’m surprised the song list doesn’t include “My Green Tambourine,” “Green Green Grass of Home,” and “Being Green.”

  3. denny

    Ha Michael. Made me laugh out loud.

    I finally gave this a proper spin and she really isn’t half bad. It’s a keeper.