I’ve never heard of a product for our hair being called a RAKE.

Hello!!!!! This made me laugh out loud. The afro bone comb is a winner! Allee’s collection of picks is outstanding!
I’ve never heard of a product for our hair being called a RAKE.
Hello!!!!! This made me laugh out loud. The afro bone comb is a winner! Allee’s collection of picks is outstanding!
Allee Willis
Rake was a very common name for afro pics. Many of which were also used as cake cutters or cake rakes.
The Bone is the craziest one I have.
I still actively collect pics/rakes when I see one I don’t have. I have over 150 unique ones, many in multiples, and defintely still counting. I also bought out an old barber shop in Minn. a few years back and have thousands of very unusal ones (three different models).