You nailed me! Polyester itchy top, teeny tiny pearl, helmet hairdo and all! And I lost a few pounds in the process too!
Are you kidding, this is one of my favorites. I have it hanging in our dining room, the room where I paint now. You should see the ones you are hanging with, it’s hysterical. You have a feaux diamond shaped “A” around your neck in this painting. Funny, how the shot captured the shadow around the “A”.
Allee Willis
You nailed me! Polyester itchy top, teeny tiny pearl, helmet hairdo and all! And I lost a few pounds in the process too!
Are you kidding, this is one of my favorites. I have it hanging in our dining room, the room where I paint now. You should see the ones you are hanging with, it’s hysterical. You have a feaux diamond shaped “A” around your neck in this painting. Funny, how the shot captured the shadow around the “A”.
Allee Willis
Post photos of that room, please.
Okay sure. I’ve tried to make it up like a little 50’s living room or like an interactive place to hang out. I try to use most of what I collect.