Never thought I would ever be posting something like this here. Since getting to know Allee via and posting in the Kitschenette ,she has given me supreme inspiration to paint. I never put a brush to canvas until I met Allee. I tried before (just sketching) but never had the confidence to just go “with the flow” and try it. Allee has changed all of that. One thing I am learning as I continue to paint is that with every stroke of the brush I learn something new and creative. It’s like a monster was created and this is one beast I am really digging. So I found myself needing a painting studio. I live with my partner (in the family home) and we take care of his Pop who has Parkinson’s Disease. It’s his house so I cannot totally take over but he finally relented and let me have free rein of the basement. So to make a long story even shorter, I set myself up with a little painting studio. So to motivate me, I decorated (as much as I can in a basement) with various kitsch, which as we ALL know, is one hell of a motivator. Enjoy the pics.
This is my painting table. Just some crappy desk from Staples but it does the job.

Come down the steps and to the left is my little area, complete with freezer where we keep extra food. Classy, I know.
I paint with arcylics.
All my supplies sit in or on a piece of kitsch. That’s a vintage, wooden, lazy susan and 2 ceramic pieces.
Kitsch gathered on the freezer.
My motorized disco ball that I keep turned on when down in my lair….
Me forcing Ernie to take my picture for this post.
Driftwood lamp made by my Pop in-law but it had no shade so I threw on a vintage shade.
My Asian shadow box, heavy owl coasters, silk screens for a business my partner used to own.
Just some stuff hanging around. I really love the vintage Alka Setzer dispenser.
More kitsch….
The end.

Allee Willis
Beautiful from start to finish (especially finish!)
That comment made me laugh out loud! This is one of my first Allee portraits.
Douglas Wood
I love the disco ball hanging amid wires, fuse box and insulation– really creates a glamorous atmosphere!
I’m all about glamour Doug! :)
Bill, post that video.
Great tour of the crafts/kitsch corner Denny. I should post the video i did of tye dyeing a shirt.
Allee Willis
Yes you should!