I tagged along on a recent outing with Allee and Charles Phoenix to Johnnies Burgers. Amazing burgers, amazing service and we even got to meet “Johnnie”.
Here is Allee and Charles deciding on what to order from the menu. It hasn’t changed in all these years. I think this place has been here for over 50 years.
We all got to meet the owner “Johnnie” who has owned this place as long as it has been in this spot. His name is Bob.
Getting creative with my burger at Johnnies.
Allee Willis
Johnny’s burgers are the best!!
More on this trip that Denny so graciously documented: https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/2011/07/11/allee-willis’-kitsch-o’-the-day-–-my-saturday-drivefood-fest-with-charles-phoenix-torrance-and-inglewood-ca/