As the day for me to drive down to LA with millions of snacks for the Allee Willis Soup to Nuts Show creeps ever closer, I am feeling the pressure to stick to my snack production schedule. There is simply no time to lose. This, my friends, is The Final Count Down, but more on that later ( you don’t get the kitsch until I shameless plug my cats) Luckily, I only have to deal with 19 cats at the same time…..5 of who are 3.5 week old kittens who aren’t cooperating with their bottle feedings, 2 of who are supposedly feral, but have refused to leave my house since they were TNR’ed (seriously, they come in any open window and settle wherever they please…one will even jump onto my shoulder, which scared the crap out of me while I was cooking the other day!), and yet 2 more who are teenage kittens threatening to completely destroy my house (but at least they are having fun doing it). They are all for adoption, so please, people, take them!
Teenage “brothers from another mother”…

Kitten mayhem…

The lemur/cat hybrid…

Oh, back to the snacks…Just so you all know, I have to give another shout out to Mr J for making a kitchen in my house and I also need to add Mrs and Mr S for their kitchen warming gifts! I have some pretty awesome baking pans and iron cookware! The S’ will also participate by letting me use their stove…this is gonna be a double stove ordeal, especially because my stove is about the size of an easy bake oven…I put an normal size apple on one of the burners for scale…you can’t fit more than 2 pots on the stove. I have no idea why there are 4 burners…

The fridge is small too and is so packed, you can’t really take one thing out unless you reorganize, so basically, I’m just trying not to open it…

BUt, these little hinderances always make for a better adventure, if you ask me, and so today while I was working out exactly what I needed to do when, while fitting in the rest of my life in between, this song popped into my head because 1. it is kitschy 2. I find it hilarious 3. It always reminds me of the character Gob on Arrested Development (best show ever) and MOST IMPORTANTLY because to raise the kitsch factor, it has been performed on the accordion by none other than one of the greatest living accordion players today. Seriously folks, this is Igor Zavadsky and I’m not going to lie here. I have a serious celebrity crush….I’ll give you the kitsch, but you better follow the second link to hear him play some Piazzolla with the amazing Evgenia Tcherkazova…seriously, you don’t want to miss that….ONWARD for the Queen of Kitsch (or at least her snack foods!)!
Allee Willis
On the feline front, so cute I could die. Especially that little light gray one with the pinkish/gray nose and sweetest looking face that I wish I could kiss right now.
That 3rd photo of the black one who’s so black you literally can’t see any of its features is hysterical. It looks like a scarf draped over a pillow.
Thank you so much to the S’ for contributing not only cookware but an actual stove! All for a worthy cause, ME!!
The Apple sitting on the burner is hysterical. And a wonderful tribute to Steve Jobs.
Love that there’s a shot of a closed refrigerator.
AS for Mr. Zavadsky, love his look, that he’s sitting in front of giant accordion, that he overuses effects on his music, and his Adidas inspired wardrobe. How did you even find this??
Oh please don’t drag me kickin and screamin back into kat herding, it’s been almost 10 years since any were in the house and the better part of two since i did staff duty for 16. OK, OK i’ll make another attempt at getting the Catland vids and adventures together for posting…The bro’s in the top pic, Petelet clone on left and his part ginger brother on right spell double trouble, i can tell these things. My ginger female was a trip. I was HER man only, she was wild about guys and only lukewarm at best with women. It is a good thing that even though the stove is small, it’s gas and not electric. I’ll check out the accordion players when i get home from work…..
Yes dear, cat wrangling is a very slippery slope…I often find myself panicking about having an extra or two to place, and then 20 more show up and I just have to zen out and reach for a bottle of scotch! Would love to see your vids though!!!!
That’s funny about your ginger girl…every cat is different! I’ve put kittens together thinking they would all play and sometimes they don’t get along…
Do check out the accordion vids, if it peaks your interest…Zavadsky pretty much shreds and I totally admire him!!!!
PLease don’t die! But please DO take these cats! ALL OF THEM!!! Yeah, the little grey one is a girl and she looks like NIblet…it’s hard to tell…they were just turning 3 weeks in that pic…Their ears are popping up now and they are starting to play…so cute…
The black kitty is so awesome! I wish I could keep her, but I have too many and she’s very adoptable. All she wants to do is be loved. I’ve tried to put her outside and she comes thorugh any open window. She even likes being in her kennel in the living room…All she wants is a quiet comfortable life, the poor little thing! Right now, she is on her back giving her paws a bath…
My stove is made by Hotpoint. I didn’t know they made stoves; they are famous for their hot plates, just to give you some perspective….It’s a very special stove with some very special attributes: everything slides towards the door, it heats unevenly and fits about nothing, which is awesome!
As for the fridge, yeah, I wouldn’t open t for the pic…Don’t worry folks, it’s clean (I’m a hyper hygiene maniac!) but it’s so full, that I couldn’t let the door awing open without stuff falling out!
As for Igor Zavadsky, well, he is just about one of the best players alive, if you ask me. Frank Marocco pretty much slays me too, of course….Igor Zavadsky really is gifted…kitschy choice of songs aside, they guy can really play…seriously, tell Pamela Des Barres about him…he could almost make a groupie out of even me!! The only other musicians who’ve ever almost goupi-fied me are the gentlemen the John Pizzarelli quartet…but then, they are all also INSANE musicians and very dapper, so who can blame a girl (or at least a former girl) for blushing during a show!?!
Wow, did I have enough spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes in this post? sad, so sad….
OK, MOre shameless plugging….