How great someone took the time to see where the stars actually lived in 1957… before the walls went up and the bushes grew to be 8 feet tall. Or maybe, just maybe, the walls were up and only a postcard photo gave the fans a glimps of their homes.

Imagine what these homes look like now?


Check out Liberace’s car. Living was big!
Interesting! Allee, did you ever party at any of these homes???
Allee Willis
First of all, great to see you back! Hope you’ve been well.
i was fanatic for these little books when I was a kid. Hollywood was nirvana for me and I always liked to see where the stars lived. I don’t have any of these anymore but i used to always pick them up when i found them. Love the mini size and the texture of the pages.
Allee, All is well…thank you for asking. We’ve been working on a project since Feb. that’s is ongoing but now I have more time to post again. Been visiting you for months, enjoying your weekend adventures, seeing everyone’s disjointed treasures..and Denny’s gallery just waiting for a one man show. Finding new, over-the-top kitsch was becoming hard to find this past year. These postcard foldout’s of Hollywood star homes just begged to be snapped and shared.
Lovely photos!
Alas, James Stewart’s pad is long gone, bulldozed into oblivion. No word on whether the awesome Jacaronda in the backyard that he received as a gift from William Holden survived.
As for Lucille Ball’s house, the current owners have uglified the bejinkies out of it with their reworking of the exterior that appears to have been inspired by the design of countless chunky low-end 1980’s apartment complexes.
Allee Willis
What’s the address of the Lucy house?
1000 Roxbury, if I recall correctly… right next door to Jack Benny’s old place, which looks pretty much the same as it always did since the owners of THAT place knew how to give it a proper facelift when they redid it about ten years ago.
My favorite pad with pedigree, however, remains a certain pepto-pink streamline moderne in the valley.
Nice update of these wonderful homes. I have a late 1940’s postcard of Jack Benny’s home I’ll post. I’m thinkin’ you’re living in this area. Can you snap the Benny and Lucy houses or are they surrounded by high walls?
No walls around these homes… very easy to shoot. Many images of the homes in their current states can be found online already, but I have a friend nearby and will snap some fresh shots next time I’m out his way.
Allee Willis
Would love that.
Great post!!!.. Love learning/seeing the movie stars homes.
Mark Milligan
Lucy’s place is so cool to look at on Google Earth. I haven’t consciously driven by it for 25 years, but I always remember it being somewhat conservative in elevation. When you look at it on Google Earth, you can see how extensive it is, keeps going, and going. I always remember Jimmy Stewart’s place being near it, but it’s been so long I don’t know anymore.
I’d say Liberace’s car is a ’55 or ’56 Mercury Montclair convertible with a continental kit. Brand new under $3,000. Makes me wonder if Mercury wasn’t one of the sponsors of his show during that era.