NOw, I’m not sure how much I’m supposed to be giving away, but I do think it’s time to stir things up a little bit. In a couple of weeks, hopefully most people reading this will be meeting at the El Portal Theater for a Greatest Show on Earth experience with our own Queen of Kitsch. If anyone reading this doesn’t have tickets, GO AND GET THEM RIGHT NOW!!!!!

Up here in Northern California, I’ve been making a few preparations for the big event…..UM, Well, actually, quite a few. I offered to make snacks for the big night and I’m already deep into preproduction. I’m not sure if I should be admitting this to you all, since I have now identified myself as the perp if you don’t like what you taste. So, let me just say that I’m doing my best to provide some marginally healthy treats (I know, blasphemy in the world of The QoK!) and have even added a few heart cloggers. So far, the most important things to do have been to get ALL of the flour and ALL of sugar I can find. LIterally, ALL of it. No one else has any anymore. It’s all here at my house. Casper can concur…

I have been doing test runs of various things this past weekend, and tonight, The wonderful MR F is doing a batch of a little something that will also be sold…Low sugar, yes, but very tasty….

Awhile after this, while herding cats (PLEASE PEOPLE, ADOPT SOME CATS FROM ME BEFORE THEY TAKE OVER MY HOUSE…I’M DEAD SERIOUS HERE!!!) I heard a string of F-xplitives from the kitchen and ran in to discover this…

NO, Allee will not be serving poo biscotti in toilet mixing bowls…In fact, these got thrown into the compost bin….BUt trust me! The snacks will be good… Or well, hmmmm….maybe I should just say that I have my fingers crossed, my shoulder to the wheel and my heart in the right place? OK, yeah, I’ll just end this with a great big: HOPEFULLY I DON’T COMPLETELY F THINGS UP!!!!!!!!!
Allee Willis
Needless to say, I can’t thank windupkitty enough for her culinary efforts. Although the snacks for sale already include enough junk food to put an entire elementary school into a coma, windup is adding a touch of class to the upcoming snack experience.
Please thank Mr. F for me too.
Now I’m not quite sure what is happening in the last photo. As I know absolutely nothing about making these, are those biscotti’s not supposed to be in the water and, what distinguishes these as “toilet mixing bowls”? Although I don’t have these in as beautiful a color as pink, I do eat out of these quite regularly.
Yay, yay, yay, windup!!
I am honored to be included in the snack fest…thank AFTER you approve everything! :)
As for the biscotti, no, they aren’t supposed to be floaters…that was a little disaster that occurred after the first bit of oven time (biscotti are twice baked) …I heard the swearing from the other room (as you know, pretty much the same room cause this place is so small) and when I go into my kitchen he says “I had an accident” and me having the sense of humor of a 3 year old said “well at least you did it in the big boy potty”….which made him shriek “I made a poopie!!!” (peels of laughter to follow)…Sorry, that’s just what that image conjures for me….
Seriosuly, should I be admitting this publicly? Oh well, we are who we are…and well, potty humor is still kinda top notch for me…sad but true….:D
I should also note that this was made possible by the Ridiculously AMAzing MR J who, in conjunction with my landlord redid this kitchen over the summer. The kitchen was quite a disaster: mold from sever water damage, holes in the floor, wood rot etc…It had been like that for faaaar too long and I had lost hope that it would ever be better…..Thanks to the Ridiculously AMAzing MR J who fixed everything and made it better!!!!!!!
Allee Willis
YAY Mr. J!!
yeah, seriously, he is the reason why all things are good in this house! he did the whole thing super cheap so my landlord would agree to it and i owe the dude my life!
Such a fantastic post! I can’t wait to work, see the show, eat stuff and carry on. Sounds like fun to me. I work best when filled with sugar.
Douglas Wood
Keep up the good work– I’m sure it will be great!