“For police or civilian defense against robbers, mashers, etc. Causes no permanent injury.”
Only 50 cents for additional shells. Hell, let’s get a gross at that price.
And then after we incapacitate the masher with the tear gas, we’re gonna use the $7.95 handcuffs to subdue them.
Can anyone reading this ever imagine having one of these in your pocket like a fountain pen?
Allee Willis
Now wait, does it fire a little pellet of tear gas? I can’t say I’d feel safe carrying this around, too easy to shoot some in your face. Though I can certainly think of a couple of my ex-collaborators who I probably would have felt better scribbling out music with if I knew my pen included tear gas.
Mark Milligan
It fires a stream of tear gas out of the cartridge. Oh I have to agree, it wouldn’t be safe around me either!
But what I love the most is that they advertise the price of replacement cartridges, like someone is going to have tear gas warfare, and use it over and over.