By strolling around in the web I came across an absolutely stunning article about the Six Flags Amusement Park in New Orleans that is abandoned since hurricane Katrina entirely destroyed it. The 75 photos, taken during illegal tours through the closed area really blew my mind with their very unique atmosphere, which is kind of creepy and fascinating at the same time.

To see all photos, please visit the original page here:
Allee Willis
The Six Flags we have here in California is so roller coaster driven it’s great to see the amusement aspect was expanded further at other parks. But so sad to see it devasted like this. The photos are staggering.
Thanks for the Classique, Allee! The props sure go to the folks who illegally went there to take the pics.
It´s indeed amazing and sad the same time, and a wee bit creepy too. It really looks like absolutely nothing was done there since Katrina and I wonder if they will just leave it like that.
As I understand it there’s all kinds of tie-ups with property ownership, insurance, FEMA money, etc. or something, which partly why nothing at all has been done.
Thanks for the info, Nessa!
Great post!!!.. WOW…Beautiful images, you know what I mean???…In the same way the neon museum in Las Vegas is Beautiful???.. During all the Katrina reporting, I don’t remember any mention of the amusement park???.. I wonder if any of the fashion/art magazines have used it?
Thanks for posting…
Douglas Wood
Gorgeous, haunting and creepy photos– works of art, actually. This is what Disneyland would look like if Diane Arbus designed it.
It’s interesting that BeeJay happened to post this today, August 28, the day before Katrina and the Federal Flood on 8/29. I was thinking about Katrina today, 6 years later. I was aware of the park but never went even tho they did have live bands, hey it’s New Orleans and required to have live music. The Mega Zephyr is a descendent of the original Zephyr at Ponchartrain Beach, another wooden roller coaster that i did ride the few times i went to the Beach.