That’s only the greatest house I’ve ever seen. If you don’t think that would be my Chinese residence in a heart beat you’re nuts! I usually abhor things like musicians living in, wearing, doing anything in something that has music stamped all over it. But the scale of this and the way the light enters it, coupled with what I’m sure is a rooftop living level, hell yes, this is where I’d be singing my tunes.
Allee Willis
That’s only the greatest house I’ve ever seen. If you don’t think that would be my Chinese residence in a heart beat you’re nuts! I usually abhor things like musicians living in, wearing, doing anything in something that has music stamped all over it. But the scale of this and the way the light enters it, coupled with what I’m sure is a rooftop living level, hell yes, this is where I’d be singing my tunes.
Douglas Wood
Wow, is right! To paraphrase the old joke (about Carnegie Hall):
Q: How do you get to this house?
A: Practice, practice, practice.
mike winer
Wow – a well crafted multi million dollar piece of kitsch that one could live in – Where in China? – looks like it is in a forest or something