I’m not really sure what this is, but it lives on my desk. Is it a turtle? A frog? Why does it have hair??

It has long legs like a frog, but the plaid “shell” on the back makes me think it might be a turtle.

This was made in Japan & it’s about 5 inches tall. Made out of fabric, stuffed with sawdust, glued to a pice of wood, and I don’t know what it is.

Any guesses?
Allee Willis
Totally insane whatever it is! The way the body is all twisted, the fitting of the clothese on the body, those completely crazy eyeballs, that tiki hut hairdo, all completely wacko. From the face alone I’d almost guess it was a baby chicken. Then I thought it was baby chick. I definitely don’t see turtle. But those amphibious hands and feet do make me ultimately vote for frog. But then why wouldn’t it be green?
Geezus! This is part frog and part little child.
Douglas Wood
A plush thalidomide baby? A distant relative to the creature in the third picture here:
Whatever it is, it’s creepy as hell.
hahahahhaahahah…i think this is a souvenir representing a japanese pearl diver :)
I bet this is Kappa, a Japanese water sprite/demon thing. I love it!