Many of you are fimiliar with the colorful and playful paintings of fellow akitschionado Dennis McLain. Denny was inspired to pick up a paintbrush and begin painting after seeing the wonderful artwork of Allee Willis, aka Bubbles. One of my favorite of Denny’s paintings is titled “The Sleeping Juggler,” and when I first saw it, I knew I wanted it, so I asked Denny if I might purchase it, and to my delight, he agreed (I believe I have the honor to be the first person to buy a piece from him). Recently Denny shared a photo of “The Sleeping Juggler” on this site, and I mentioned that I had placed it in our venetian green kitchen hanging above a red pantry door. Both Denny and Allee then asked me to post some photos so they could see the location of the painting, so here you go (along with some photos of the kitchen itself). Our kitchen is one of my favorite rooms in the house filled with a rainbow of Fiestaware and novelty clocks and vintage kitchenware, and the circus-like painting seemed to fit right in.
Allee Willis
Love that kitschen kitchen. Such a home for The Sleeping Juggler.
It always made me happy when I saw my painting hanging in places that really accented the personality of the piece. This is one such occasion for Denny’s wonderful work!
Needless to say there are about 657 things I want to see close-ups of in your kitchen. So at your leisure, whenever you’re not admiring The Sleeping Juggler, please have camera in hand and think about us drooling aKitschionados awaiting documentation.
Lisa Rios
My kitchen is the same color. I LOVE this post! Denny’s painting looks great w/all the other wonderful items.
Wow, this is so magnificent and cool. I feel so incredibly honored to be hanging next to Minnie Pearl. How cool is that?!
Thanks Michael. I am so happy you guys are enjoying “The Sleeping Juggler”.
Michael Ely
Thank you, Allee, for the Classique d’ Camembert award. That always makes my day. I love Denny’s artwork and I love your artwork (that is, the artwork of Bubbles) which inspired it.
Knowing I’m a bit of a neat freak, one of the first things people ask me about the kitchen is – “How do you keep it all clean?” My answer is, aside from everyday things like washing dishes, that I divide the kitchen into sections and clean one section at a time about once every few weeks. It’s a pain in the ass, but someone has got to do it!
mike winer
I love art and I love kitsch art and I really love kitsch art hanging amongst kitsch stuff – this has it all – kitsch heaven
shirlie williams
Oh Michael I just love your kitchen, Is that a Pilsbury dough boy plate on the wall above the air vent ? Its just a glorious space, funky colourful and fun and so much to look at , I want to come round for tea :)
Michael Ely
My dearest Shirlie, you are always welcome to come visit me whenever you are in Tucson and we’ll share a cup of tea (tea is my drink of choice). Yes, that his the Pilsbury dough boy in the center of a Fiestaware plate (it was a special offer thru Betty Crocker about 15 years ago).
Ted Nimmo
“LOVE” thanx to the connection I made here at awmok, I am a fan of your music and Denny’s art! Thank you Allee!
Allee Willis
My pleasure, and Denny’s I’m sure!
Michael Ely
Thank you, Ted. Yes, I too have met some wonderful and creative people thru Allee’s site. Allee is an extraordinary person and I’m grateful that she has brought us all together.
Ted Nimmo