5 Responses to “Animal Eyewear”

  1. Allee Willis

    Although the German Shepherd looks adorable I have to hand it to the cat as it’s a much sportier/ sci-fi look than the more normal (though adorable) black shades adorning the canine.

    I love that both of them have their tongues sticking out. The kitty kills me because it looks like she’s got a little brown polkadot right in the center of the tip of her tongue.

  2. k2dtw

    Fab!!.. Is that Orlando behind those Foster Grants??…smile

  3. snappyp

    Unfortunately not! As I’m jealous I don’t have those stylin kitty
    Specs! Orlando is more of a rayban kinda guy anyway.

  4. BRBill

    The cat provides further proof that felines are actually agents of the aliens. The tongue stuck out ever so slightly sez “i’m a blissed out kitty”. The dog looks like he’s trying out for the next Mr. Cool photo shoot. Great pics both!