Last month on a visit to Devon, we drove across Dartmoor and came across Pixie Land, a strange hut in the middle of nowhere, selling sheepskin rugs! and Pixie statues. To the left of the hut was a garden which was filled with a variety of Pixies doing all manner of activities, as we will see from the pictures.
It was pouring down, Karl grumpily took this picture and went back to car, the hats are in a basket by the door for you to wear on your stroll around.So I had mini Pixie Land all to myself !
Pixies and Gnomes in the Blue Corner.

Allee Willis
Oh boy, that first pixie looks Pigmy Will size. What a nice friend he would make for him.
Love the photo of you with your pixie hat. I’m very jealous of that toadstool seat.
I love all the little pixies just placed haphazardly on the grounds. And the ones playing soccer kill me.
Is this on someone’s private property? Who maintains it?
Excellent documentation!
shirlie williams
The couple who own the small shop and sell gift wear maintain the garden ,upholding a tradition as I believe it has been there for many years.
Wow, I want to live there…..Even aside from all of the wonderful pixies, that garden is insanely gorgeous! Glad they put in at least one kitty statue…that place looks like kitty heaven! LOVE the pic of you on the mushroom seat…your hat is truly pixie inspired!
shirlie williams
You could make some fabulous Gnome/Pixie hats !!!!
What a wonderful retro garden – a place forgotten by time. I love your pictures. These kinds of quirky, roadside stops are becoming more rare. Reminds me of a cross between a miniature golf course and a sanitorium for wayward elfs and gnomes.
shirlie williams
It was empty when we got there, so much fun, there are not enough gnome gardens , I have to add them slowly to mine so my hubby Karl does not notice….
Michael Ely
This is my idea of heaven.
shirlie williams
and mine, I wanted to pull up a chair and admire the view with a nice cup of tea.
about the shell house lake street
The house was decorated in shells by my mother as my father used to be a yatch captain and was away a lot
Most of the inside was covered in shells also,mum made lots of pictures of local scenes just using shells
i and my two brothers were bought up in the house
unfortunelatly my mum is ill and may be moving into a retirement home so the house will have to be sold,its all quite sad as the house is unique,i just hope the new owners dont rip all the shells off
If you need any more info please contact me
Allee Willis
So sorry your mom is ill. And sorry the house will have to be sold. It’s just stunning. If you have any photos of the shell work inside we’d love to see them posted here. Did you grow up in this house? And how long did your family live there total?
shirlie williams
Hi Jules , how wonderful to hear new about Shell House, I was a bit confused as it was witht he pixie post. This is the one in Dartmouth..I always go by the house and just stand and stare, I photographed it to share with fellow friends here on AWMOK..I adore it and have always wondered about its history. I go to Dartmouth 2/3 times a year and stay on Southford Road . Do you have any pictures of the interior when you mum decorated it and what happened to her shell pictures. Your mother sounds one fascinating lady, and Im sorry to hear she is unwell. If I had the money I would buy shell house and keep that fantastic exterior, I hope you find a buyer who appreciates its beauty. I also hope your mum would be happy to know that there are people who admire her artwork.
Hi shirlie
When mum and dad finished the house in the 70s we used to open it to the public,dad had a superbe rock and mineral collection.The house was on the tele a couple of times.dad was a brilliant artist and the house has many pictures he painted still inside.I have a few here.I live in France. He died about twenty years ago and mum has slowly got worse,dementia very bad short term memory but ask her about anything in the past and its cristal clear.She still lives in the house but is being assesed this week and will most likely have to go into a retirement home,its all very sad,and unfortunelaty you have to sell your home to pay for the care.She doesnt know yet,she thinks she is going on holiday.I have some postcards of the interior as it was and scanned them onto my pc.Dont know when you are in dartmouth again but i could arrange a visit,my younger brother still lives in the house.hope to spk soon
shirlie williams
Hi Jules, I would so love to visit the Shell House , that is so generous of you, I will contact you through your e mail and see what we can arrange. Its fascinating to hear some of the history, and the interior shots you posted look amazing. Thank you for sharing. Hope all goes well with your mum and her assesement. Will email. :)