This is the corner of dolls and kitsch I’ve photographed before at Angel View Thrift Store here in Palm Springs. I’d already picked something out, which I will post in another submission, when I saw this clown doll as I was heading out. This is the corner that I think our akitschanado friend Monica Johnson would find treasures for her fantastic creations featured on the AWMOK.

Green hair, and a stars and stripes patriotic theme. And then the nametag. “HARPO” “Official Mulligan.” Can somebody tell me what that means? Somebody would’ve blown a gasket if this thing was in our house, so I didn’t buy it. But this corner of Angel View Thrift Store always yields strange and wonderful things that make me think there are worlds beyond our comprehension to which our senses don’t have a range of reception. ‘Cause as much as I thought this would be a scary and creepy clown, now that I see the face close up, it’s childlike and comforting.

Allee Willis
Ok, that clown doll is INSANE. How tall is Harpo? Was his entire outfit patriotic? That might be the kind of thing that I need on hand in case of any Memorial Day, Fourth of July or any other patriotic holiday that might get celebrated here. I’d have to keep him in a box the rest of the year because he’s far too scary looking to look at, but from your photo he could be the ultimate patriotic kitsch.
I’m guessing that Mulligan is some kind of Irish drinking thing. Although Harpo isn’t an Irish name, but green is certainly an Irish color. Maybe he’s a patriotic St. Patty’s something.
What else did you find there?
What street is Angel View Thrift Store on? I have to head down to Palm Springs soon as I bought a vintage golf ball barbecue that I’ve yet to pick up. I should stop into Angel View to honor Monica if nothing else.
R.I.P. Monica. I’m sure you have good taste wherever you are.
I’m terrible. I would have purchased it and then hid it somewhere in the house.
Mark Milligan
I think it’s about 28 inches tall, maybe 30. The entire outfit was patriotic.
After I hit submit, I googled Harpo Official Mulligan, which I forgot, but should’ve done prior.
There’s a clown in the desert named Harpo, and if you google him, he takes pictures with celebs on the golf course. I don’t know what Ray Mulligan has to do with anything, but he’s in a picture, so maybe he’s a pooh-bah in the desert too.
I bought something else that is a bizarre car, and when I got it home, I googled the label on the bottom and it’s for some weird dolls. I don’t think so much of it as when I first saw it, but I’ll put the pictures up in the next day or so anyway.
If you want me to buy the clown, I can go look later this week to see if it’s still there. This is the store in Palm Springs, it’s
454 N. Indian Canyon
Between Amado and Alejo
(760) 320-1733
Denny you are too funny! I about did a spit take when I read your comment.
Mark Milligan
From the top of it’s porcelain head to the ground is 24 inches. This is a doll that was given out at golf benefits here Palm Springs.
They are all numbered, and signed by Harpo, this one being #390/918. It has a Certificate of Authenticity from “Angel’s Doll,” and it’s dated 10/6/99. With it came a letter signed by Harpo commemorating Bob Hope’s 100th birthday, dated May 29, 2003, along with 3 postcards featuring Harpo, one with Red Skelton. It has a stick that the doll holds, saying “Quiet Please” like those used by golf tournament officials while players are getting ready to strike the ball. Among Harpo’s credits are Oliver Stone’s movie “The Doors,” and “Star Trek Deep Space Nine,” each cameo roles. If I wake up and this thing is standing by my bed staring at me tomorrow morning, I’ll let everyone know.
Allee Willis
Wow! What was he selling for with that history?
Mark Milligan
I guess he was supposed to have a golf club, which is missing. And a doll stand, which is also missing. He does have rhinestones on his glove though. $19.99.
Mark Milligan
I don’t know if I ever told anybody that I went back and bought this last summer?
Allee Willis
No…amazing. And where is he right now?
“Mulligan” refers to a “do-over swing” in the game of golf… at least that is what I got from it.
Harpo is sighted out in the Coachella Valley often. I actually saw him at Zelda’s night club last Friday night. I stumbled across this page because I was surfing the web and looking up creepy pictures to send to my friend that hates clowns and got freaked out when she saw him at the club with me last night. LOL.
Allee Willis
I love hearing of such up-to-the-minute Harpo spotting! Thank u so much for the eyewitness repost. And as I know nothing about golf thanks for the mulligan def too.