Eating two mega pots of icecream in order of our dear Allee – that´s a tough mission, life can be really rough, man *BURP*
Like promised here some round about shots.


First I thought there in only some artifical vodka flavor in it, but after Tobi stuffed himself with the last pot all alone we found out there indeed is a nice load of real booze in it :)

I´m eating this while I type and wished I could share it with all of you!

Allee Willis
OMGGG!!! i cannot believe what that ice cream looks like! It looks more like egg salad than ice cream. Unless I’ve been completely blind I don’t think we have anything like that here in the United States.
What’s it like texturally? Is some of it smooth and some of it chunky? Some of it even looks Jell-O like.
Thank you so much for risking your health by consuming a couple tubs of this. I can’t even tell you how much I wish I was there at your kitchen table consuming it with you and Tobi. Please thank him for me too.
Here’s the matching ice cream:
The white stuff you can see is pretty smooth, almost like soft ice or whipped cream or FLUFF :) The yellow stuff is a bit more solid, but very creamy too. What looks like Jell-O is lemon-vodka sorbet, the flakes white chocolate.
All in one you would be surprised how “natural” it all tastes, natural yet very sweet and very lemon-y!
The Gone with the Wind flavor is way more like normal ice cream.
Needless to say that we would love to slam that stuff down together with you, Allee :)
This looks very tasty, sez the man who’s given up ice cream as he’s past the need to gain weight stage… send a carton along with the strawberries…ahahaha…..