This is the strangest story of the day. It was in the middle of a hot day at my flea market booth (I would later on that evening get sun poisoning) that I met this lady, Annie Fox. Prior to her coming up to me, I was having a conversation with someone in that I was explaining who Allee Willis is. She came up to me and said “how do you know Allee”? I then had to tell her how we met through AWMOK which led to do a 5 minute promo spot on Allee’s blog and my paintings. As it turned out, Annie already knew about AWMOK and then told me she hung out with Allee 38 years ago at a mutual friends apartment in the village of NYC 38 years ago. That person’s name is Helene Kornblatt. I got the impression that all parties mentioned here have lost touch over the years but meeting up with Annie Fox was fun and we all had a great laugh over the greatly misused saying “it’s a small world”. (yes, my new nickname is Lord Beardie).
Allee Willis
I LOVE coincidences is like this!!! Helene Kornblatt was my next-door neighbor in Manhattan at 50 W. 69th St. from 1970- 74. This is where I wrote my very first songs. She was the first one to ever hear them and was very much a spiritual part of my Childstar album. I’m sure I thanked her in the liner notes. Helene moved to the village after she left 69th St. and that’s where I met Annie. I think the two of them were really good friends. I love that this happened to you yesterday. Now if only I knew where Helene was today…
Actually, now that I think about it, my friendship with Helene is what led indirectly to me hooking up with Earth, Wind & Fire. Helene’s sister, Teri, moved to LA the same year I did, 1976, and invited me over one time when Helene came from New York to visit. They introduced me to Teri’s roommate, Carole Childs, who was the person who two years later put me together with Verdine White, EWF founding member and bass player, which is what led to Maurice White asking me to write the I Am LP with him. Carole was a huge force in the record industry, both in music publishing and as head of A&R at Geffen Records.
It was a most fortuitous flee day!!!
What exactly is sun poisoning? Doesn’t sound fun at all. Hope it has passed.
I love stuff like this too. Small world!
But how many degrees from Kevin Bacon…
And sun poisoning!? I know from experience that it’s no fun.
It was a super day!
Well sun poisoning has varying degrees of intensity. It can combine several things like itching, vomiting, the shivers, it’s hell. I got out of bed to fetch myself a glass of milk and some cookies. Then all of a sudden I started shivering so violently that I couldn’t even speak. Ernie kept asking me what was wrong and all I could do was walk upstairs and wrap myself up under blankets. I’m much better today! Whew….
Allee Willis
Glad you’re feeling better. The next time you sell anything at a flea market make sure and take an umbrella to sit under.
From what Annie told me (I just got an email from her), she’s pretty sure that Helene is still in the same apartment. She is looking for a phone number for her.