I actually saw two versions of this planter this past weekend, one with bright colors and then this one with more subdued (and fewer) colors. The brightly colored one was too expensive, so I bought this one instead. Mr. Pig has his hat in one hand, and is wiping the sweat from his brow with a hankie in the other.

His little back has suspenders

Allee Willis
Adorable! Love the sweaty pig.
I personally hate sweating. I need to change clothes immediately unless I’m painting or working outside and then it feels good and part of the job to sweat.
The suspenders are nice touch. Also love the way eyelashes are painted.
What was the price difference between the brighter, more expensive one and this one? I would’ve probably gone with the muted as well. Faded feels more vintage.
Cute! My grandma’s house was of full of this stuff. As the runt I got to go last so it was slim picken’s but love the 50’s figures.
I love these little ceramic planters and there are so many styles. I’ve been collecting these for a while, mostly from thrift stores – whenever I see a cool one or reasonably priced. I want to put little odd cactuses in them…
Allee Willis
You know we want to see them here! There are quite a few great ones at AWMOK already: https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/?s=planter&x=0&y=0 Nessa has the most extensive collection. I absolutely love little ceramic planters so would love to see yours.
I’ll take some snapshots of my faves this weekend when I have a little free time…
Allee Willis