Nice, big, fat story in the Times on me today + 12 photos. Thank you, Bob Morris, for seeking me out (no press agent involved here!) and writing such a heartfelt, spirited, and happily long piece. My house thanks you too (at least the part of it that made the photo)!

Lisa Rios
Awesome article! Great to see so many things in your house that have been featured here at AWMOK. I think they corrected your age.
Also enjoyed kookykitsch’s TV show last night. Lots of happenings lately!
This is great! If I didn’t already know you, this article would make me WANT to know you :)
Just wonderful!
Mark Milligan
That picture of your backyard with the Riverside Market light lit up, is nothing short of spectacular to me. Did someone representing the NY Times take the photos?
Allee Willis
Yes, NYT photographer. Ethan Pines. He did fantastic work.
Absolutely fabulous and I’m so glad they did a slideshow too! The pics are gorgeous!! The article is lovely as well…My only beef is that he used the word “whimsical” to describe your paintings…I woulda chosen “BRILLIANT”! :)
I know you know this, but damn, you’re cool….
You’re a complete success in my book. To live the fast pace of NYC, then reinvent yourself on the west coast is a mega tribute.
Now the rest of the country knows who you are. A fascinating article and photos to be proud of. Kudos!
Allee Willis
Thanks! Nice to see you back, closet. I’m really grateful for that article because now it will really put what I post from the house in excellent context. I look forward to seeing some photos you take any time you’re in the car this summer! Have a great Memorial Day.
What a great article…I’m thrilled!!! ..LOVE the slideshow too!!!
Allee Willis
There were a couple different photos in the actual paper, so a total of 14. Although none of it made the photos there’s a lot of Detroit stuff mixed in.