Found these terrific peace-sign earrings at a thrift shop here in the Philly burbs. They had a fantastic price tag of $1.99. I’ve also included a picture below which will give you an idea of how big they are.

Found these terrific peace-sign earrings at a thrift shop here in the Philly burbs. They had a fantastic price tag of $1.99. I’ve also included a picture below which will give you an idea of how big they are.
Allee Willis
Love that they’re metal-look plastic. And big like they were back in the day.
$1.99, an excellent price for peace.
They are yours since I cannot exactly wear these out and about. They will get tossed in an “A” shipment.
what’dya mean you can’t wear them out and about!?! ‘im confused!
Oh Wind-Up!