I was digging through some things from my grandparents’ house and I found this in a drawer. They would probably kill me if they knew I was posting this, haha… sorry!

This is exactly how I found it, I didn’t move the arrows.

It is a souvenir from a state park… I think I neglected to get a close-up of the sticker.

Allee Willis
These were so popular back in the day it was insane. I have five or six of them, all different models and actually have one of them nailed onto my bed board currently.
I love that they differentiate the code, green for male/red for female. I also love all the little faces drawn as well as the couple racing up the stairs. God only knows what the guy is wearing to sleep.
Needless to say, it’s incredible that this belonged to your grandparents, and that you didn’t move the arrows.
yeah, the fact that the arrows weren’t moved is the best thing ever….way too cool!