I was reading about the Wattstax Music Festival today (trying to find the documentary actually) and I came across this on youtube….While it may not be all that kitschy, it’s so super fly that I HAD to share it here…..YOU GO, Bar-Kays and that goes double for the fine women shaking it in the audience! Crap, I don’t how to share something from youtube anymore, so here’s the link and a pic…10 buck says Allee will add a better way to view this before she posts yet another example of my acute and predictable ineptitude…Thanks QoK!!!!!!
Allee Willis
I worship at the throne of Wattstax. I have it playing on my tv screens a lot when people at parties. It came out on DVD a few years ago. It’s so much more than a music festival film – though the performances, fashions and hairdoes are wayyyyyyy beyond fantastic. It’s also an incredible look at LA and pop culture in the early 70’s. Best festival film ever.
Thanks for make my post functional, particularly since I am not! I’ve never seen this and I was trying to find it the other day….turns out my county library system has it, which rocks! Can’t wait to watch it….
Lisa Rios
I love this movie! Isaac Hayes’ entrance is worth watching the whole movie. Fantastic. I wish Shaft was my theme song!