Okay, now if i was still taking the bus places I would almost surely be using this suction cup helmet to keep my head from flopping forward. I just imagine carrying something like this around in my briefcase. What I love is that when you fall asleep and your stop is approaching, someone cn wake you up in time if you just post the sign on top of the helmet. I sure hope she doesn’t miss her stop.
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4 Responses to “OH MY GAWD! It’s another Japanese product!”
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Allee Willis
I LOVE this very much want/need this hat!!
Always love when a plunger is involved in fashion constrution.
Lisa Rios
WOW! I actually need this. My boyfriend always teases me about my head dipping forward when I fall asleep in front of the TV. Crazy!
Thank you so much for my Camembert Award. I forgot about this post and this could have come real handy when I was living on the New York subways.
Except the people on MTA wouldn’t be as kind as to wake you up on your posted stop. Also I imagine there’s still a lot of sleeping whip-lash going on even with the helmet… but I’m sure it cuts down on it.