Part 2 of the wonderful delights available to purchase for the upcoming nuptials of one Will & Kate. It has been declared a Bank Holiday , so we Library Workers have been given the day off to have a street party or partake in other suchlike merriment (with my neighbours !!!)

For relaxing in front of the TV for the big event a Royal pair of slippers.

If the weather turns a bit chilly a very stylish pair of gloves to combat the cold.

So you do not miss the start a very tasteful clock , with a portrait of William looking like he has had his jaw wired.

After all those cups of tea, a nice plush loo seat cover to welcome you.

Will & Kate Cake !!

A edible transfer cup cake of the happy couple

Kate Middleton doll, I will wait for the Barbie version.

Can you believe they have a smoothie named after them ??

What is this WHO would buy it, I am truly lost for words..
Allee Willis
Love all of this, of course. Favorites are the gloves, the toilet seat lid, the cake, the smoothie and that insane coal hopper!
It’s got to be NUTS in London this week!
The Royal Wedding, Part 1 is here: https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/2011/04/18/the-royal-wedding-a-tribute/
Lisa Rios
These posts are killing me. The 4 day bender plate and the Pez dispensers are priceless. What a laugh! Thanks for posting these.
GREAT POST!!!….I LOVE these so much..
I must say, in my best fake English accent, Splendid!!, both posts, quite splendid….and i’m sure y’all will be more than glad when Friday and it’s hoopla comes and goes…..and i’ll take one of those coal hoppers…..
shirlie williams
Im glad you all enjoyed the posts, I saw a small amount on TV and London looked crazy, to many people for me.
The coal hoppers kills me WHY ???? I can display most things in my home but that would be to much of a challenge, almost as much as listening to the Prime Minister! Time for a Gin & Tonic I think…..Please look out for Princess Beatrice hat it was stupendous.
Lisa Rios
Oh yes! It was a very silly hat:
I love that she can’t sit upright in the car.
Who is Princess Beatrice?
shirlie williams
Lisa , Princess Beatrice mother is Sarah Fergusson aka The Duchess of York , she was recently on Oprah, controversy seems to follow her around, she and Prince Andrew the Queens second son divorced some time ago. Philip Treacy designed the hat (bet he is squirming now) !