Mary Lee’s Candy Factory in Downtown Detroit

Submitted by denny April 17th, 2011
Certifikitsch Winner

This is how close the crew was to each other when we were all staying in Detroit.  Behind this old brick building that once housed Mary Lee’s Candy Studio is the Greektown Hotel.  We were all scattered throughout downtown but we were all waling distance form each other’s crash pads!  I absolutely love when old brick buildings leave the remnants of the old business signage on the side of the building.  It’s not longer a candy studio.

Old Time MARY LEE Candies – Detroit Studio.

I did not take this shot but found this particular image on line.  I wanted to post it as it shows a bit of the front of the building.

7 Responses to “Mary Lee’s Candy Factory in Downtown Detroit”

  1. Allee Willis

    I absolutely love when signs painted on sides of buildings fade into them like this. I also love when a candy company is referred to as a “Detroit Studio”.

    I wish this had been my view looking out of my Greektown Hotel window instead of the multiple parking lots it hovered over. Then again, I would’ve been jonesing for candy the whole time (instead of the Lafayette Coney Dogs a couple blocks down).

    I wonder what’s in this building now?

  2. Rusty Blazenhoff

    I love those kind of ghost images too. There is one window here in Alameda and they left up the “Ex Lax” advertising from a million years ago…!

  3. windupkitty

    wow this is so beautiful…i love the building itself too…the brick is just gorgeous!