11 Responses to “Lightning bug – 11 x 14 (a painting by Denny)”

    • windupkitty

      hey, you should ma bell Ralph Nader…bet he could help….

  1. Lisa Rios

    I’m originally from Chicago and one of the things I’ve missed most since I left the mid-west is lightning bugs. One of my friends who was born and raised in L.A. took a trip to the mid-west in the 90’s. I got a call from her, “Oh my God! Lightning bugs are real!” She thought they were like unicorns. A made up magical creature.

    I really like how you depict his bulbous butt!

  2. windupkitty

    lovelovelove how he’s looking over his shoulder….”that’s right, biatches, I’m a lightening bug!”

  3. denny

    Damn, I need to hit the canvas again soon!

    Allee, I think having a lightbulb attached to our ass could be quite fun.

  4. BRBill

    Another winner Denny. I used to have lightning bugs in the yard til the mosquito sprayers knocked them out. They used to come up on the front porch and i miss that.

  5. k2dtw

    Not as many as we had growing up, but we still have them here in the midwest (knock on wood)… Little bugs that make you feel good?