This is another shell house I came across in the West of England. The first one being in Dartmouth.This is in Cornwall in a small fishing village, all I could find out is that it is a holiday let.

It was in a very narrow street, so there was no room to stand back and get a full length shot.

Eddystone Lighthouse is on the treacherous Eddystone Rock, 9 statute miles (14 km) south west of Rame Head, United Kingdom, as you can see for some reason it gets pride of place on the wall.

Allee Willis
Wow! How large is this house? Do the people who live there do this themselves or is there an artist who specializes in covering people’s houses? Is this a relatively common thing in England?
I love the little birds in the last photo.
Hi, the work was done by a local person who had collected shells from around the world on his travels. There not very common at all however there are shell restoration experts around who specialise in grottos and shells.
shirlie williams
Oooh so pleased with my award.. Its very difficult to find out any info on who or when this and my previous post on the Dartmouth Shell House were decorated.I suspect the decoration is quite old ???
On my next visit I will make more enquiries. The house is quite small and narrow just the windows you can see and then the roof, I think its built into the hill behind it, certainly you could not get around the back of it.
These are the only 2 houses I havve seen, I believe their was a remarkable shell garden in Bournemouth that was demolished, I need to do some research.
Michael Ely
Fascinating and beautiful!
Mark Milligan
Does the place draw curiosity seekers?
I would stand and stare at it for too long. I wouldn’t want to stay at a place where people would stand and stare at it like probably would!
So interesting Shirlie!
shirlie williams
Mark, people do stand and stare, hence the heavy net curtain, although the path is so narrow, you would all topple over if to many people gathered at once.
Douglas Wood
I love this one as much as the first you one listed. Please keep us posted if you find out more about either one of them. It’s sort of the UK version of the Watts Tower.
shirlie williams
Douglas I have a book on Watts Tower and its so fascinating, it reminds me in many ways of Gaudi work. Have you ever been to Watts Tower. One of my other favourite buildings is by Ferdinand Cheval ,Palais Ideal in Hautervives, France.
http://www.facteurcheval.com its amazing ,I so want to visit. Crazy buildingsnmake the world go round.
This place is beautiful. My Mother would have a fit over this house as she is an avid shell collector.
Oh Shirlie, how could I miss that when you posted it??
This is so beautiful, very special, I love it!
shirlie williams
Bettina, Isnt it fabulous, I love external house decoration, I took lots of pictures of the Luftmalerei when we visited Germany/Austria I must do a post on them :)
wow, this is incredible! i love the tiny birds in the last couple of pics!
Hi, my mum and I actually own the Shell House in Polperro. We’ve recently had it refurbished and restored some of the shells on the front (I managed to find an excellent shell restoration expert and will get the rest looked at when we can)
Allee Willis
FANTASTIC!!! Would LOVE if you posted more photos of it here. We LOVE your house!!
shirlie williams
Thank you Ben, its a fabulous building.
Hi Allee, thank you for this, really appreciated. I’ll pop some more pics on facebook tonight. Ben
I believe the work was completed in the late 1930’s. I have put what I understand to be the history on http://www.holidaycottagespolperro.co.uk/Microsites/Site1/IntroPageAdv.aspx?MId=150. I have also just set up a facebook page if anyone is interested. If anyone is interested in going down for a break let me know and I will sort you out with a discount.
Allee Willis
I hope Shirlie sees this.
shirlie williams
I have seen it… Thank you Ben ,I love Polperro and adore your house and I am really pleased to hear you have refurbished some of the exterior, the only other house I know like this is The Shell House in Dartmouth.
Thats definitely on my list to do, all fellow akitschionados come over to the UK and lets go stay there …Polperro is I think one of the most beautiful places in Cornwall.
Hi Shirlie, thank you ever so much. Really pleased that you like the place. If you fancy a break let me know and I will sort you out with a good deal. Polperro itself is fantastic and a lovely place to get away from it all; especially out of season.