5 Responses to “Hot Kitty”

  1. shirlie williams

    I have hidden this picture from Princess Bobo my cat as her demands are already too dificult to fulfill and if she sees this their will be no stopping her ..

    • windupkitty

      hahahaha you are very astute! BUt, I’m pretty sure at least one of my cats has a lawyer, so be careful!!!!!!!

  2. Lisa Rios

    I have one of those heaters, and yes, Pearl loves to sleep in front of it. Cats love the warmth.

  3. windupkitty

    oh that’s a SWEET snuggly kitty! I LOVE how he’s in leg lift mode too…..these heat dishes are great….all my rescues who get baths get to dry off in front of one of these and when it’s cold, I set one up (supervised, mind you! I’m such a fire safety freak!) in the garage and let the permanent street kids bask…..they love it…..