Kellogg’s Corn Flakes and Other Cereal Lip Balms

Submitted by kawachi March 20th, 2011
Certifikitsch Winner

Here are some more odd Kellogg Corn Flakes and other cereal lip balms.    I guess I can see “Froot Loops” flavored ones, but not the others.  But I don’t know if these are actually “cereal” flavored.

These are from the website. (originally from (this is a better sized pic than the one I was able to submit….I couldn’t get mine to save this big.)

Keroggubokkusu (Lip Cream) Corn Flakes  [LVL-K2]


Kellogg’s (Kellogg), serial box, retro, ♪ become little miniature lip balm


Twirl the knob and the lower lip balm you will be nervous on the inside.


Typically, a serial cereal is not just a non-sweet, Sugar & Narashiku foreign people typically eat over the milk, sweet flavor that has become a representation of that image.

2 Responses to “Kellogg’s Corn Flakes and Other Cereal Lip Balms”

  1. Allee Willis

    I have a whole lotta nutty flavors of lip balm like marshmallow peeps, bacon and bubblegum but I have no cereal flavored ones in my arsenal. I’m actually a massive Kellogg Corn Flakes fan. And I get hungry a lot during the day. My lips await…