An open heart is always precious, but an open butt too.
This old german greeting card is wishing the recipient both of it.
And it even rhymes.

An open heart is always precious, but an open butt too.
This old german greeting card is wishing the recipient both of it.
And it even rhymes.
Allee Willis
That little thigh almost looks like a third ass cheek.
I don’t know about greeting cards with kids taking a poop… What’s the occassion? A stinker of one whatever it is!
I´m not really sure, cause the last line sounds very general, but I would categorize it as a birthday card. Free translated it´s wishing an open heart, an open butt and all the best. I don´t know how old the card is, there was no date on the print, but I guess from the 50´s.
Allee Willis
I think the card is much older. I would guess 1930’s. An open heart and an open butt… such a nice birthday wish for a child!!
If it is that old it is in VERY mint condition!
Personally I would love to get such a card too :))
Michael Ely
It looks to me like 1930’s too. Well, I wrote the words in Google Translator and it came out – “off’nes is a heart always sought, but always sought, but it is also worth something off’ner body, so I wish you all the best and the way these two.” Doesn’t make sense to me, but that’s how it translated.
Allee Willis
Strange however you slice the birthday cake.
Yeah, that doesn´t make much sense this way :)
That is cause google is translating word by word. I´m german, it´s my motherlanguage, so I knew what it means. “Off´nes” is the short form of “offen” (=open), what was translated with “sought” (“begehrt”) has many meanings, such as wished, cherished, appriciated, welcome, precious.
Mark Milligan
I’ve always wondered where the term “crack pot” came from, and this might be a clue! Nice!