What was every harried housewife missing for that perfect Toni or Lilt at-home perm? Well of course it was this salon-style beehive hair dryer in frilly pink. And from Sears no less, according to the original label still affixed to the hood. Imagine the courage it would have taken to lower this monster onto your head and begin frying that perm. Looking at the plug alone makes me think this beauty could bring Frankenstein to life with a very significant jolt of electricity. I’ve never had the courage to tyr it since I’m afraid it will blow up my house if I plug it in and fire it up. Anyone wanna try??????????
Allee Willis
I’ve owned a few vintage salon chairs over the year and they all had these massive metal helmets and big ass plugs. And they blew HOT and were very noisy. But beautiful nonetheless.
So fabulous that this is from Sears. Where did you find it?
Yep, Sears was the clincher for me too. I found this on that most abundant source of kitsch….. e-bay. Bought it about 5 years ago. Thanks so much for the Certificate of Authenkitschity. I just discovered the Kitsch Museum last week and LOVE getting lost in it. I’ve already submitted a very special second entry, and plan on submitting lot’s more from my own Atelier d’Kitsch.
Allee Willis
I look most forward!
I have one of these and was wondering what they are worth. If it’s not worth much I may try using it to create my own Frankenstein.
Allee Willis
It’s worth all depends on who wants to buy it? If they’re buying it for a set, it could be upwards of $100. If in a thrift shop could be between $10 and 75. That’s not the gospel though, just an opinion.
Thank you for the response.
I’ve got one of these, also in pink. (Were they all pink? I bet they were!) It still powers on and everything!