This totally awesome picture of Paul Reubens (Pee-wee Herman) was recently sent to me by a friend and it totally made my day. I don´t know where it was taken, but you, Allee, said you believe it was taken taken at Chasens at a pre-Grammy party thrown by Scott Sanders and Radio City. Your jacket is marvellous and Pauls face expression priceless!
Allee Willis
Yes, BeeJay posted this on the AWMOK Facebook page yesterday and i asked her to post it here. My brain rattled enough to remember that Paul and I were at a pre-Grammy party thrown by Radio City, of which Scott Sanders was CEO at the time. Scott went on to produce my musical, The Color Purple, and Paul/Pee Wee was who introduced me to Scott when he brought him to the set of the “Right On Track” music video I built the whole set and all the props for. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cugp1nWAmjo). That was also the first time I met Stephen Bray, whose group, Breakfast Club, recorded the song. I also cowrote The Color Purple with Stephen so ultimately this is a very synchronistic photo!
This is one of the few photos I have of that jacket that I made with Beverly Klein, who I was making a lot of my clothes with at the time. The jacket was made out of pink leather, cowhide, and plastic covered vintage photos.
Wow, what a historical background!
And many thanks, Allee – my first submission and it got a Certifikitsch from you, that´s really swell, I´m thrilled!
Rusty Blazenhoff
What a fun shot! Love Pee Wee’s Playhouse, naturally, and really became a fan of Paul Reubens when I saw a show on him where he talked about his vintage grease jar collection.
gorgeous pic!!!!! hitting the jealous button for multiple reason, no the least of which is the jacket!!!