I’ve been trying to score one of these Egg Separators for my mom as a gift for YEARS. (She collects frogs.) The prices were always so insane, that I never bought one. I finally snagged one before X-mas on EebilBay. Isn’t it cute? The egg drips out of his mouth.

Covered with leaves for no particular reason. It’s by Josef Originals, but the same mold has been used for a “baking powder” container for your fridge (in plastic) and a few other items. You can reportedly still buy this mold/design for your ceramic project in the UK, but I have found no evidence it is still being sold in the US.
Allee Willis
Totally adorable. It must look like the frog is throwing up when the egg separates out of his mouth. What comes out, the yellow or the white?
What’s EebilBay or is that a typo? Or the sound the froggie makes?
The white comes out and the yolk stays in his mouth. I have also seen them where the white comes out of some guy’s nose.
EebilBay is just a nickname for Ebay, being Eebil or Evil, as it has sucked away a lot of my money, haha!