A few vintage Valentine’s Day cards from a more innocent era when gay meant happy and one weren’t tempted, for example, to question whether the lover on the right is a Frida Kahlo wannabe…

…and referring to women as chicks wasn’t sexist…

…and no didn’t really mean no.

Allee Willis
Happy V-day to you, Douglas, and and aKitschionados everywhere!
It doesn’t get any better than vintage Valentine’s Day cards. The more naïve the better. The colors were always gorgeous, the lovers were always happy (and oftentimes gay).
I hope everyone receives lots of (vintage) cards today and loves themselves as much if not more than you’re capable of loving someone else. That’s the best gift you can give yourself today.
Cheetah Velour
These are terrific! Bravo!
Great Collection, so sweet. Thank You!!
These are beautiful! I really dig the last one on this post.
Kyle Dayton
One of my favorite grade school memories is the day the class exchanged all those cool Valentines with each other. My mom said that it was more important that no one in class was forgotten, than it was to receive the most Valentines. I haven’t thought about that for a long time. (too long). Thanks.
Douglas Wood
Thanks, all.
Kyle, yes I remember exchanging Valentines in class too. I don’t have kids but I’m sure these days they do things very differently to minimize the blatancy of a popularity contest. Wondering also if these days they still have kids line-up to be picked for teams in gym class, another potentially traumatic experience for some kids.
Kyle Dayton
Oh yeah, I remember the fun of at least once being the last one picked in gym class. When you get older you know it’s no big deal, but at the time it can be a major embarrassment to the left-out kid. On the other hand, even though it may sting at the moment, I think that it teaches the valuable lesson that life ain’t always fair, and if a kid lets it get to them too much then they can end up being either a spineless wuss or a real bully. If the youngster learns to have the right kind of resilient attitude, then it can spur them on to do something bigger with their life. And maybe without going through some of the lousy rites of youthful passage, they miss out on something that could give them character and empathy and lead them to an amazing life. I’m still glad I didn’t forget anyone’s Valentines, anyway. When I saw your posting, I had a major flashback.
Allee Willis
When I was in school, we had to bring them for everybody or we didn’t get to give them out at all. Alas, I still had to be picked last in gym.
Allee Willis
All that picking stuff, especially Valentines Day, made little Allee a nervous wreck. Way too much trauma for a little kid, even if I got one relatively soon. I still felt horrible for the other kids who only got 1 or 2 if any.