When I saw this out of the corner of my eye, I first thought it was a sci-fi novel of some sort. Boy, was I wrong. I nabbed this from the dump for a friend. I can’t wait to get it out of my house, not a fan.

When I saw this out of the corner of my eye, I first thought it was a sci-fi novel of some sort. Boy, was I wrong. I nabbed this from the dump for a friend. I can’t wait to get it out of my house, not a fan.
Allee Willis
I can’t believe I never saw this book. As it’s unauthorized they must’ve slipped it in and out it went right after the movie left the theaters.
That cover airbrush technique is soooo 70’s.
Michael Ely would kill for this. https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/2010/07/22/barbra-meets-goldfinger/
Michael Ely
Allee, knows me well. You do too, Denny. Yes, I’m a huge fan of Barbra. In fact, it was at the L.A. premiere party for Star Is Born that I got to meet my childhood idol. My partner (Spider) played guitar at the party and I pushed my way into meeting Barbra. A couple of years ago I wrote about that experience (don’t know if this link will work or not) – http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0075265/board/thread/44561901?d=60972826#60972826
Michael Ely
btw, A Star Is Born is one of my least favorite Streisand musicals. To me, it is over-acted to the point of being unrealistic and downright corny, and I never once believe Barbra as a rock singer. At the end, when Babs rocks out, it is embarrassing bad. I prefer Funny Girl and On A Clear Day.
Allee Willis
TOTALLY agree re Star Is Born. I even organized an outing of my bad film club, Le Chien D’Cinema (https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/2010/11/28/allee-willis’-kitsch-o’-the-day-–-cher-perfume-and-burlesque-a-very-bland-thanksgiving-turkey/) to see it when it first came out.
Oh Michael. Your going to shake me! I’ve never seen “A Star Is Born:.
I do love how you met her though! I know what it’s like to want to meet an idol. I met one of mine. When I met Shirley Bassey I was almost beside myself but I had plenty of control and had the best time with her. When she rubbed my face and told me “green is your color darling”, I almost wet myself. I’ve seen Dame Shirley Bassey 3 times in LA. Don’t get me started here!
Michael Ely
No need to see A Star Is Born, Denny. How cool that you met the great Shirley Bassey!
I may still rent it so I can talk to you about it….
I collect Barbra books, and I love the cover of this one. I have a copy, although with another, less exciting cover. Hoping to add this one to my collection one day!