Hope this helps to cheer your day… Love the LP cover
This is the “Examine Doctors” LP from Mike Nichols and Elaine May.. Just looking thru the titles made me think of you… and reminded me of all the post everyone has made.
Some of the Titles are… “More Gauze”.. “Morning Rounds”.. and “Bedside Manner”…
I tried on Youtube with no luck, I found small samples on another site, so funny..
More Gauze…
Morning Rounds…
Allee Willis
Although I still have never heard this LP I remember hearing about it and being aware of what big deal, hip comedians Nichols and May were. I’m sure I’ve heard clips through the years and I know this album was a big hit as comedy albums go. And I remember being very impressed that Richard Avedon took the cover photos.
You can also hear samples of all the cuts here: http://www.amazon.com/Mike-Nichols-Elaine-Examine-Doctors/dp/B000W0AGDY
Bob Ramsdell
I saw Mike Nichols at the Hungry I in San Francisco before he became famous. Also at the I, which was cozy and intimate, I saw Dick Gautier (Hymie the Robot on Get Smart), Richie Havens and the Kingston Trio. I was sitting so close to Nick Reynolds playing the bongos that he was sweating on me. At nearby Purple Onion, I saw Phyliss Diller.
Allee Willis
All so classic!
This is insane!