I work as a Department of the Army Civilian at Fort Leonard wood, MO. My whole office is decorated in Americana and these are some of my favorite pieces.

This is a handmade flag from some old wood pieces, string, and material. The wood was from an old house being torn down. Hangs behind me at my desk in my work office.

A chair that was being thrown out…was hand painted by an Army spouse and sold at a fund raiser ($12)!!! What I really love is that she DID NOT refinish it etc prior to painting…just painted on it as is. Very quaint. :O)

Sitting on the chair I have my handmade Americana Raggedy Ann and an heart shaped box that the same spouse made.

Cat family made from left over scrap material (they are very patriotic kitties).

Old picnic basket rescued from a garage sale and painted Americana (yes..same spouse).

Small step stool rescued from the garbage and painted…

A friend got me this in New Orleans during Mardi Graz about 10 years ago.
Allee Willis
And I’m not the biggest Americana fan in the world but seeing it all together as a collection, as opposed to appease popping up every now and then, I like it a lot better!
I really like the little flag inspired rug underneath the stepstool.
And love the little cat family. Americana Raggedy Ann looks very happy too.
Do you use the picnic basket?
Are you tempted to paint an American flag on everything? You know I love that kind of passion.
Love the chair but the basket of cats kill me! I love their eyes.
Mark Milligan
I’m with Denny on the chair and the cats, but I like their ears!