My all time favorite Hazel Atlas pieces. I just love the turquoise and black star like atomic type pattern but it is so hard to find. I found the carafe 2 years ago thrifting and finally recently the juice glass on eBay. At this rate it will take me forever to complete the set. Right now it would be good for a water carafe and glass for your nightstand.
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21 Responses to “Hazel Atlas Atomic Starlike Carafe and Juice Glass”
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- Kitschified in The Washington Post!
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Allee Willis
I love Hazel Atlas. Do you know if there was also Hazel Atlas dinnerware? I’m definitely familiar with HA glassware but I also have a set of salad plates and some dinner plates that appear to have this exact same star pattern.
I love anything with Atomic 50’s stars on them.
I think Hazel Atlas was mostly glassware and barware, but there might have been some dinnerware…I’ll look it up…I’m a huge HA fan….love,love,love china, flatware, barware etc…
ARGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH! I don’t have this and it matches my dinnerware set! This is stunning and I am absolutely having a fit over it. Allee, when are we installing that “jealous button” here!?
Great find Karen!
Allee Willis
GUESS WHAT? A JEALOUS BUTTON IS COMING!! Perhaps as soon as Monday afternoon!
Hazel Atlas did have some dinnerware but the books I have do not show anything near this pattern. Its very possible this was a running pattern but I tried contacting a couple of glassware authors who have know idea about this at all.
How is the knee doing? Are you up and about yet or still bed bound?
Allee Willis
Knee is progressing. I was actually able to walk about 10 feet today without crutches so progress is being made! Still mostly in bed though. I have a bunch of recording to do next week though so at the very least will be going out for that, crutching along.
Good to hear you are progressing. The EverArt was sent a few days ago. Hopefully it will lift your spirits some. But no dancing yet!
Love your post…I never get to see the glassware???
The glass companies, and the metalware companies would make products to “go-with” or “go-along with” any of the best selling china at the time… Fiesta, Luray
The North Star Pattern made by The Salem China Co of Salem, Ohio, looks like your beautiful glassware??
Allee Willis
Thanks for that link, k2dtw. Those are the dishes I have. If I recall his post correctly Denny too.
Very jealous Allee!
The northstar pattern by salem china is one of my very favorite patterns EVER!!!!! It used to be floating around all over the place and no it’s harder to find for a reasonable price…..
There you go k2dtw, this glassware IS a great match and “go-with” pattern. Those dishes are fabulous!
Alright Denny I think I might hit that jealous button now!
Douglas Wood
Should I be worried that I got really excited upon hearing you’re getting a “jealous button?” Do I need to get out more?
I am still searching for the extra pieces and went on where you can replace just about any piece of crysta, china, silverware, etc. I found the pattern and to my surprise they also have an 80 oz. pitcher!
Replacements have none of the glassware as of right now. Go figure! Here is the link to the pattern inventory page…
Thank you… WOW!!..would this be a great find.. The Carafe w/juice glasses and (same day) the 80 oz pitcher w/tumblers….smile
That would also be the same day i hit the Mega Millions Lottery :)
Allee Willis
I always knew this place existed but never could remember the name. Thanks so much for this link!
Hey guys, is awesome, but make sure that what you’re getting is original (if you care about the collector part of things) I’m guessing that with dinnerware/dishes, you’re fairly likely to get the real thing, but they do also replicate stuff to match popular patterns (especially with flatware) so make sure you do your reading/enquiring before you drop coin!!! Just a word form the OCD collector of dinnerware,flatware, furniture..etc…xoxoxoxo
Allee Willis
Excellent advice!
Good point!