About a dozen blocks from Classy Cleaners in Miami Beach (https://www.awmok.com/2011/01/06/classy-cleaners-miami-beach/) is the Royal Motel that has a yellow sign under the overhang next to the tree attracting guests by advertising “open 24 hours”. If you stay in all those other motels that are not open 24 hours a day, are you required to check out when they close and check back in when they reopen?
Allee Willis
Ha ha, excellent point! What a dumb sign for a motel to have! What motel isn’t open 24/7?
Judging from the architecture of both Classy Cleaners (https://www.alleewillis.com/awmok/kitschenette/wp-admin/post.php?post=75432&action=edit) and the Royal, I would be very happy on that block.
I love this old sign… it still says “air conditioned”…sweet
fabulous! i want to live there! probably someday, i will! :)