I wouldn’t buy folk art in a store. But when somebody we care about makes something, it becomes special to us.
My Mom painted these Christmas Tree ornaments for my 2 older kids almost 30 years ago.
I wouldn’t buy folk art in a store. But when somebody we care about makes something, it becomes special to us.
My Mom painted these Christmas Tree ornaments for my 2 older kids almost 30 years ago.
Allee Willis
These are great. I especially love the little mumps face on the girl.
Your mom could really draw. And they so pick up the essence of the period they were drawn in.
Does your mom still make ornaments?
This post makes Pigmy Will very happy! http://store.alleewillis.com/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=ornaments
Mark Milligan
Mom hasn’t made ornaments for 25 years. She would get into something, and then move on. The exception to that would be the quilting, which produced the quillows as well as regular sized quilts, and baby quilts, numbering in the hundreds by now altogether.
Allee Willis
Long live the quillows! Sent your mom her autograph today.
Mark Milligan
Love live the quillows!
Thanks Allee, I know she’ll be thrilled!
So sweet, great artist