7 Responses to “Lucille Ball – 2010 (a painting by Denny)”

  1. Allee Willis

    Lucy on Halloween with Halloween colors. Excellent matching earrings, pearls and lips. Her eyes look like little spiders. How big is this one?

  2. denny

    I have no idea what I was trying to achieve here but I ended up liking it.

    • BRBill

      Nice, you’re getting quite good. Always follow your muse even if she won’t tell you exactly where you’re going. Those pieces of art, tie dye in my case, that we don’t necessarily like and might consider failures, someone will latch onto immediately. At least that’s what i’ve found.

        • BRBill

          No ma’am, not really. I’m actually a medical technologist by profession. I do blood bank. But on the side i do tie dye and have been doing that during the warmer parts of the year for the past 11-12years. I find it interesting that some of us “older hippies” are doing arts and crafts. One friend decorates Bic lighters with fabric paint and another, a physician, makes earrings, things we all took up “later in life”. Then there’s the radio gig every other Saturday night on KRVS in Lafayette, http://www.krvs.org Ya’ll go check it out and download a podcast or few.